Quotes on the topic of


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of these quotations so the reader can access the original document
and verify the quotation in its original context.




"The kingdom which is the final goal towards which the redeeming energy of Christ is working is called "the Kingdom of God," because God is its source and centre; "the kingdom of heaven," because it is moulded after a heavenly ideal, and governed by heavenly laws. It is not to be identified with the world beyond the grave. It is something that relates to the present world; something within the circle of daily life and of human history. Visibility belongs to its final stage. Internal at first, it gradually becomes external. It does not depend upon outward enactments, but upon the regulative ower of the law of love within the heart. The kingdom has already come in every home, in every domain of social life where Christ's love rules the heart." (James M Campbell. The Heart of the Gospel. Fleming H. Revell. 1907. pg. 221.)

"The New Testament insists that God's Kingdom, His new creation, has entered in a preliminary way. Already now His kingdom is preent in the form of a new community, but not yet in its final fulfillment, which is yet to be revealed on the last day. Christian existence is therefore lived in eschatological tension, in the tension of "already/notyet," in the paradox of the new present within the old." (Karl Paul Donfried, The Dynamic Word: New Testament Insights for Contemporary Christians. Harper and Row. 1981. pgs 198,199).


