Quotes on the topic of


We have made every attempt to cite the precise source and location
of these quotations so the reader can access the original document
and verify the quotation in its original context.




"Godliness in action! Presenting all that you are ­ nothing, to all that He is ­ everything, you are committed to the Lord Jesus Christ exclusively, for all that to which He is committed in you; and you may be supremely confident that He who dwells in you as the Father dwelt in Him, is gloriously adequate for all that to which He is commited! (W. Ian Thomas. The Mystery of Godliness. Zondervan. 1972. pg 21.)

"True godliness leaves the world, convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the only explanation for you, is Jesus Christ ­ to whose eternally unchanging and altogether adequate "I AM!" your heart has learned to say with unshatterable faith, "Thou art!" (W. Ian Thomas. The Mystery of Godliness. Zondervan. 1972. pg 40)



